ABW Ministries of the Great Rivers Region

2023–2025 Theme: "Be Strong, Be Courageous"
Our theme for 2023-2025 is, "Be Strong and Courageous". As Women of God, we walk shoulder to shoulder, connected heart to heart in God's call for this ministry. Let's lift up women and in doing so, we lift our denomination. We continue to seek holy wholeness, divine discernment to Let the Walls Fall Down, removing all spiritual, emotional and physical walls, and now we will be bold and courageous with love. Consistent with Joshua 1:9, God has commanded us to Be Strong and to be courageous. We will not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord our God is with us, wherever we g0.
Support ABWM
Please consider supporting ABWM of the Great Rivers Region by contacting Treasurer Becky Jones. Or you can support National ABW Ministries by becoming a Vital Partner.
Upcoming Events
- March 1: Virtual Missionaries Live on Zoom (9 AM) – A notice has gone out to GRR churches with the Zoom link.
- March 28-29: ABWM GRR Spring Board Meeting
- April 26: Area 1 Spring Spiritual Feast, Blackhawk Camp
April 26: Area 3 Spring Rally, Fairbury, IL
Put a "SPRING" in your "STEP".
Take a "STEP" into a new "LIFE"!
Coordinator Namcy Johnson - July 3-6: ABCUSA 2025 Biennial Mission Summit
- July 4: Women & Girls Day, Omaha, NE (9 AM to 2 PM)
- July 25-27: ABWM GRR Annual Conference, Carlinville, IL
- August 22-23: ABWM GRR Fall Board Meeting
Save the Date – GRR ABW Conference
- July 25-26: Lake Williamson Christian Center, 17280 Lakeside Drive, Carlinville, IL 62626
- Friday Evening Concert featuring "The Lesters"